Title 1 Resources

Westowne Elementary has been identified as a Title I school for the 2024-2025 school year. Title I schools are identified each school year using data as determined by the State Reported Data on children receiving services such as SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Homelessness, Foster Care, and Migrancy. As a Title I school, Westowne Elementary will receive additional funding to increase staffing, provide academic and behavioral support to students, and engage families with the educational program.  We look forward to working with our Westowne students and their families throughout the school year. Please reach out to Carrie Rill, Assistant Principal, at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

BCPS Board Policy 1270

Title I Fact Sheet

24-25 Family Nights Year at a Glance

WES 24-25 Home School Compact
WES 24-25 Home School Compact- Spanish
WES 24-25 Home School Compact-Burmese

Right to Know Letter
Right to Know Letters- Translated

School Progress Plan

