Westowne Elementary

Vision and mission

BCPS Vision, Purpose, and Core Values

Baltimore County Public Schools will be among the highest performing school systems in the nation as a result of raising the bar, closing gaps, and preparing every student for the future.

Baltimore County Public Schools will increase achievement for all students while preparing a variety of pathways to prepare students for career and college, in a safe, orderly, and caring environment for students and staff.

Core Values
• Learning is our core purpose.
• Effective teaching is the most essential factor in student learning.
• Leadership matters. Effective leaders support learning and optimum performance at all levels.
• BCPS is committed to equity. We will do whatever it takes to ensure that every student learns and succeeds, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, socioeconomic status, language proficiency, or disability.
• Every student will be successful when provided with high expectations and appropriate support.
• A high-performing workforce is essential to BCPS becoming a world-class school system.
• Trusting relationships and commitment to our core values will foster learning at all levels.
• Students, parents, employees, community members, and all BCPS stakeholders comprise Team BCPS.
• Every member of Team BCPS has value and makes important contributions towards BCPS becoming a world-class school system.
• Positive and productive relationships among all members of Team BCPS are built through meaningful communication and engagement.
• All members of Team BCPS are partners in raising the bar, closing gaps, and preparing for our future, and are vital to our success