
Westowne Volunteers



Step 1:  Complete an Application

Please fill out the BCPS Volunteer Application. This application is not submitted automatically, so you will need to save a copy to your device or print it for your records. You will need to provide a copy to your school-based coordinator either by email or by providing a hard copy.

Applications are also available in the following languages: 
SpanishArabic | BurmeseFrench | Nepali RussianUrdu | VietnameseYoruba

Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation

Log into Vector Solutions in order to complete the BCPS Volunteer Orientation. The training is available in English and Spanish. Once the user has logged in, language selection is at the top right next to the profile picture.

If you have completed training in the past but don't remember your login information, please email your school's volunteer coordinator for assistance in recovery. Once you've completed the training you will be provided with a certificate. Please save a copy (electronic or printed) for your records.

Step 3:  Submit Documents to the School-Based Volunteer Coordinator

Send your BCPS Volunteer Orientation certificate and BCPS Volunteer application to the volunteer coordinator at the location where you would like to volunteer. They will work with you to find the perfect placement!

Goals of the BCPS Volunteer Program

  • Expand parental involvement and engagement strategies to meet the unique needs of all families in the school communities.

  • Acknowledge parents and community members as important partners in the education of all students.

  • Strengthen the relationship between schools and parents, guardians and community stakeholders through meaningful service opportunities.

  • Support teachers and staff with the implementation of curriculum and school programs.

  • Utilize the knowledge and skills of volunteers to promote student achievement.

  • Offer direct support to students needing additional assistance with assigned tasks.

  • Assist school staff and students with extra-curricular activities, afterschool programs and fundraising opportunities.

  • Provide supervision and direction for students while participating in off-campus learning experiences (field trips).

Types of Volunteer Activities

  • Classroom Assistant - assisting teachers and students with classroom[s] activities

  • Academic Tutoring

  • School PTA Councils

  • Area Education Advisory Councils

  • Music and Sports Booster Programs

  • Field-trip Chaperones

  • After School Activities

  • Student Mentoring

  • Career Awareness - speaking to students about career pathways and opportunities

  • Clerical/Office/Library support

Retired Senior Volunteer Initiative

The Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Baltimore County has partnered with Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) to help our youngest learners through their first year in public school. This opportunity is available exclusively for citizens 55 years old and older. (Learn more from a recent blog entry by the RSVP director.) Interested senior citizens can contact RSVP at 410-887-3101 or visit them online at the Baltimore County Government website.

Volunteer Coordinators: Megan Massie [email protected]
Elizabeth Blair [email protected]

